Collaborating With Inland Empire Communities to Improve Health Outcomes

USMex (United States-Mexico) Unidos por Salud
USMex (United States-Mexico) Unidos por Salud
The University of California, Riverside Center for Healthy Communities (CHC) and investigators in the US-México Border Health Commission carried out a one-year project funded by the Programa de Investigación en Migración y Salud (PiMSA) to examine the context of healthcare decisions for Mexican migrants in the United States. This project identified barriers to healthcare service use for migrants in rural areas of the US. Through the building of bi-national partnership with investigators, service providers, and policy makers in the Mexican Ministry of Health, we found ways to address barriers to healthcare service use for this population of Mexican migrants.
You can find more information on our Facebook page
Findings from the USMex Unidos por Salud Project
Eighty-two community members participated in in-home meetings, similar to focus groups, and shared their perspective on community health priorities and barriers to access healthcare services for such priorities. Most were mono-lingual Spanish speakers from Mexico.
USMex: Unidos por Salud identified the following community health priorities:
- Mental health
- Substance use and abuse
- Childhood health
USMex Unidos por Salud Project also identified the following barriers to access healthcare services:
- Formation of a monthly community advisory board
- Lack of hospitals and urgent care
- Lack of specialty care
- Limited evening and weekend service hours
- Limited bilingual healthcare services
- Limited medical insurance coverage
- Fear of border patrol and deportation
- Few parks and recreational activities for children and adolescents
You can find more information in our English and Spanish policy briefs.
Project Leaders
- Ann Cheney - Principal investigator
- Ana Maria Lopez Jaramillo – Co-principal investigator
- Gudelia Rangel Gomez- Co-investigator
- Maria Pozar- Community lead
What's Happening Now?
Findings from the Unidos por Salud project informed a study on childhood asthma in children along the Salton Sea. Funded by the UCR SOM Dean’s Innovation award, this pilot project engages the community around the Salton Sea in southern California’s Eastern Coachella Valley to characterize childhood asthma, healthcare service use, and treatments. Four trained promotoras are collecting 160 surveys with caregivers of children with asthma or respiratory distress.
Listen to a radio interview about the study here (in Spanish)
Findings also informed a series of no and low-cost mobile clinics that are being implemented in partnership with Health to Hope Clinics in the eastern valley. These clinics provide bilingual primary care services and screenings and treatments for asthma, mental health, and substance use.
You can find more information on these clinics on our Facebook page